Dear Family,
I love you.
This week had a few ups and downs. Both Andy & Fei told us separately that both of their families do not support their decision to be baptized, and because of that, they feel that they must put it off. In China, receiving the blessing of one's parents is a prerequisite and a very large determining factor. Most will not do something that their parents do not approve of. Despite this, I believe that time will fix it. Both have said that they are praying for their families to support them.
We did have many good and wonderful things happen as well, those little miracles that are often too numerous to mention.
I'm not sure what to write today.
I love the Lord. I know that Heavenly Father cares about me and hears my prayers. I have come to understand the enabling power of the atonement more in the last months than ever in my life. This is part of my "Divine Cirriculum". Every experience we have is not happenstance. It was devised by Him to help us come unto Him. This is truth.
I love you all,
Sister Colvin
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