Saturday, December 29, 2007


Dear Family.
Que Pasa?! It was so fun to be able to talk to y'all on Christmas. I was so tired by the end of it, I'm not sure that I made much sense....Hello from Troy. We are excited to be here. I miss mobile and my polys, but I am happy. The branch here is wonderful and full of life. What a wonderful place to be. It's kind of neat that I am opening up another area to sisters. Troy has never had sisters before.The Elders here (Elders Rookhuyzen& Austin)are very hardworking and serving. They spent hours cleaning our apartment so that we would be able to live in it when we got here, they organized an area book for us, and are helping us get to work here. I feel bad...we ended up getting put in another apartment......(I found a cockroach crawling in my suitcase from the 1st aprmt)yuck Our new apartment is only 6months old and is way nice. I feel bad, (it costs $100 more)I think they spoil the sister missionaries a little too much. I think I could have handled the cockroachy, moldy apartment , but my companera was totally against it.Whatever I'm not going to complain...this place is nice! We both have our own bathroom!HAHA Elder Rookhuyzen is totally Robert! It is so funny...same commentary, speech, and's awesome! I now have another adopted brother. ALso,Elder Austin is very short and Sis. Carpenter swears he is a dwarf.(she says she's studied dwarves...haha)but he's nice anyways.We've only been here a day but have seen the foreshadowing of the fulfillment of His promises. In that one day we met 5 people who actually own a copy of the Book of Mormon!We are still working to get ourselves organized, and it is as if the Lord Himself is just so excited that we are here.Love Sister Colvin
ps: Rose, I sent a pkg. with my randomstuff in be lookin' fer it.pss: Sarah ...the things i was going to mail you is packed somewhere but will be recovered shortlypsss: Dad, Elder Honzik said he sent you a birthday card... Is that true? HAHAHA that would be funny.
Saturday is now our p-day...We are the Troy University Campus sisters and mondays are the busy days. WE will be working mainly on campus. Crazy huh? I am mostly waiting for Sis. Carp to be done emailing......anyways rosie, I hope you had a good Christmas. It is so wierd to be in a branch now. I looked at the branch directory and there were 100 members total. Crazy huh? They said about 60-70 come on sundays...and the building is tiny!We live on elm st. by campus but don't remember exact address. Guess what ... last week in mobile we found out one of our investigators got arrested (Patty) She attacked her husband and his duaghter. Oddly enough she LOVED me...she would go on and on about how much of an angel i was....One time, us, the elders and president were all there and they gave her a blessing. Now they always give me such a hard time about it.." Oh SIster Colvin , You're such an angel! haha" What silly elders. SO the last two nights we've had to sleep in a member's home. Her name is Yolanda, she's older, and only speaks spanish. It was really strange but we loved her. We adopted her as our grandma, our Tia. :) This morning, Yo comia 4 sopapias a desayuno...mmmm Well gotta go...the elders will be picking us up soon...(we've been having to ride with them lately cuz we got no car) yes, we will be getting a lot of exercise this transfer.
love you